Thursday, October 23, 2014

Visit an Eye Care Center in Smithfield, NC First about Cosmetic Lenses

Since their approval for public use in 1971 by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), colored contact lenses have taken the fashion and beauty industry by storm. They have even influenced show business by increasing the shock value of an actor’s performance. However, such novelty doesn’t come without a price. Dianne Turbyfill of the Gaston Gazette writes about what a potential mistake it is to wear cosmetic lenses, without any kind of guidance from a qualified eye doctor like you’d find at an eye care center in Smithfield, NC, such as Clarity Vision. In fact, it could cost frequent wearers in North Carolina their eyesight.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Eye Doctor in Smithfield, NC Offers Eye Care for People in Their 40s

People in their 40s will also start experiencing vision changes, including the need for more light to see things, increasing difficulty with glare and with color distinction, and diminished tear production. All these can hamper usual activities, like reading, working with a computer, and driving. If left uncorrected, vision can further deteriorate and eventually lead to lowered IADL levels. With these in mind, eye experts recommend that adults in their 40s start seeing an eye care specialist for exams every year. An eye doctor in Smithfield, NC will recommend the most suitable solution to a vision problem, including corrective lenses, medication, and/or surgery; and will work to ensure that patients get optimum eye care to help them maintain good IADLs even as they age.